The reason for my absence? A football injury. Yes, it is true… after an illustrious career as the pee wee quarterback for the Holy Name of Jesus Jets, I decided to hang up my cleats but still had the love of football coursing through my veins. So just as the summer was ending, I decided to play a little tackle football with the neighborhood kids… in the street (yeah, nobody said that I was the brightest bulb in the pack). What started out as a bad idea ended even worse as I was tackled into the cinders and embedded a small quarry full of stones into my knee. After an agonizing hour with my pediatrician playing want-to-be orthopedic surgeon, my mom took me to a real surgeon who removed the stones, sewed me up, put me on crutches and told me that I could go to school on day two.
It was on that day that God put one of my best friends into my life – Kurt Kastel. Kurt and another great friend – John Coyle – were assigned to help me carry my books and navigate the maze of hallways that Central Dauphin School District tried to pass off as an educational institution.

Fortunately our trip took us through Minnesota – where Kurt and his wonderful, beautiful, and incredibly talented wife Gina live.

We had a fantastic time of eating, tubing, and just catching up. It was as if we had just seen each other last week.
Thank God for good friends.
By Mike

1 comment:
looks like you guys are having a great time! Keep writing; will be reading :-)
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