It’s been seventeen years since Kathy and I last were in Las Vegas. Back then we came for an IBM conference. To say we had a good time would be stretching the truth. We didn’t gamble (if you want to know why, call the church office and get a copy of my message on gambling that I did back in February of 2007), we went to one show at the Excalibur Hotel that wasn’t very good, and it was 110 degrees in the shade. And without getting too spiritual, the entire time that we were there, I felt this darkness kind of hanging over the whole place.
Now, seventeen years later, the word on the street is that it is a new Las Vegas. They have cleaned up the strip, there are scores of new hotels, and there are supposedly lots of wholesome things for families to do.

Not ones to believe that Las Vegas is now family friendly, Kathy and I were obviously not going to stay there on this trip, but we thought it would be interesting to take a 15 minute drive down the strip at let the kids see what Vegas looks like.

Well, let’s just say this... while Las Vegas has a lot of new hotels and amazing things to see (e.g. a mockup of the New York skyline, dancing water fountains at the Bellagio, a pirate ship battle in a massive lagoon in front of the Treasure Island, and a roller coaster running around the top the Stratosphere’s massive tower), it is still (this ought to generate some comments) an evil place.

Before we know it, we are telling the kids to close their eyes. Ads for prostitutes are everywhere. Enormous video displays promoting extraordinarily sensual shows were being broadcast right out onto the street. Not to mention, literally tens of millions of dollars are being gambled each and everyday.
Many people will say, “It’s no big deal, people are only having fun with their money.” Well I ask, “What is the money ultimately being used for?” To keep on exploiting women… to promote excess… to deceive people into believing that you can “make” money without working… O.k. I know I'm preaching and that isn't supposed to happen until the end of the month.
Fifteen minutes in Babylon... that was more than enough…
By Mike.
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